(It is best with quiet music playing)
For our meditation this morning I want to use this picture which was painted by a teenage girl. When she painted it some of her friends said it was Blasphemous others praised her artistic talent. I hope you can all see it, for those who can't it is a picture of the crucifixion with Jesus represented as half clown and half as painters down the ages have shown him. The clown is portrayed with a tear running down his face and he is surrounded by mocking and jeering clowns. The sign on the cross says King of the Clowns. You too might find it blasphemous and too difficult to look at, but wasn't the crucifixion blasphemous and too difficult to look at. Turn your eyes on the cross and with the help of this music lets meditate and pray ... put on music.
Think of the clown who comes to bring joy and laughter ... what must he suffer when people instead jeer at him and murder him?
No wonder he weeps.
Surely he was a clown, could he not have called on a legion of angels to demonstrate his power ...
Surely he was a fool ... no God would allow himself to be crucified.
But the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise men; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the strong things.
Look once more on the picture, let your eyes be drawn to the hands, on one side there is a hand pierced by a nail and tensed with pain and on the other side is the floppy hand of the clown. One hand is demonstrating the suffering of the innocent whilst the other hand seems to be saying, look at me I tried to bring you joy but you have rejected me and now my hand reflects your indifference.
Now let your eye go to the sign King of the Clowns. We too in this world must act as the clown Jesus is our King. We too must become fools for Christ. By the worlds standards the Christian faith is only for fools ... we don't seek power, we are not greedy, we do not look for revenge, we look with compassion and mercy on those who would seek to do harm, we long for justice and righteousness to prevail ... don't we?
no wonder the world calls us clowns.
Now look again at the picture, or in your minds eye imagine the crucifixion scene, you see there is more in this picture than I can put into words, there is more in the crucifixion than any of us can put into words ... what is the cross saying ... the message is not conducive to a quiet mind ... the more you look at the cross the more it shouts at you ... you have to die to yourself in order to live; you have to give before you can really receive: what you keep you lose; if you dare to lose yourself you will find yourself; the more secure you make yourself, the more insecure you will be; unless you let go and trust you will be your own prisoner until you actually let go of God and confront absurdity and the pressure of the shadow in yourself you will never meet God.
Let's get back to the clown ... Here was Jesus a man who lived his life in response to the call of love. To be true to this call, to the journey before him, he risked alienating friends and family and overturning the accepted religious beliefs of the time. He was open to everyone he met, without side or prejudice. If he felt that someone needed a good kick in the pants to shock him out of his self-righteousness he was only too happy to oblige; if a prostitute needed to know that she was loved and accepted for herself, not as a piece of flesh, then he gave her that love ... He gave his followers a startlingly new vision of authority, based on humility and service, and in the service of his mission to mankind he was faithful until death ... a death whose keynote was complete forgiveness, love returned for hatred.
Think now on your journey ... what have you to risk?
For our meditation this morning I want to use this picture which was painted by a teenage girl. When she painted it some of her friends said it was Blasphemous others praised her artistic talent. I hope you can all see it, for those who can't it is a picture of the crucifixion with Jesus represented as half clown and half as painters down the ages have shown him. The clown is portrayed with a tear running down his face and he is surrounded by mocking and jeering clowns. The sign on the cross says King of the Clowns. You too might find it blasphemous and too difficult to look at, but wasn't the crucifixion blasphemous and too difficult to look at. Turn your eyes on the cross and with the help of this music lets meditate and pray ... put on music.
Think of the clown who comes to bring joy and laughter ... what must he suffer when people instead jeer at him and murder him?
No wonder he weeps.
Surely he was a clown, could he not have called on a legion of angels to demonstrate his power ...
Surely he was a fool ... no God would allow himself to be crucified.
But the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise men; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the strong things.
Look once more on the picture, let your eyes be drawn to the hands, on one side there is a hand pierced by a nail and tensed with pain and on the other side is the floppy hand of the clown. One hand is demonstrating the suffering of the innocent whilst the other hand seems to be saying, look at me I tried to bring you joy but you have rejected me and now my hand reflects your indifference.
Now let your eye go to the sign King of the Clowns. We too in this world must act as the clown Jesus is our King. We too must become fools for Christ. By the worlds standards the Christian faith is only for fools ... we don't seek power, we are not greedy, we do not look for revenge, we look with compassion and mercy on those who would seek to do harm, we long for justice and righteousness to prevail ... don't we?
no wonder the world calls us clowns.
Now look again at the picture, or in your minds eye imagine the crucifixion scene, you see there is more in this picture than I can put into words, there is more in the crucifixion than any of us can put into words ... what is the cross saying ... the message is not conducive to a quiet mind ... the more you look at the cross the more it shouts at you ... you have to die to yourself in order to live; you have to give before you can really receive: what you keep you lose; if you dare to lose yourself you will find yourself; the more secure you make yourself, the more insecure you will be; unless you let go and trust you will be your own prisoner until you actually let go of God and confront absurdity and the pressure of the shadow in yourself you will never meet God.
Let's get back to the clown ... Here was Jesus a man who lived his life in response to the call of love. To be true to this call, to the journey before him, he risked alienating friends and family and overturning the accepted religious beliefs of the time. He was open to everyone he met, without side or prejudice. If he felt that someone needed a good kick in the pants to shock him out of his self-righteousness he was only too happy to oblige; if a prostitute needed to know that she was loved and accepted for herself, not as a piece of flesh, then he gave her that love ... He gave his followers a startlingly new vision of authority, based on humility and service, and in the service of his mission to mankind he was faithful until death ... a death whose keynote was complete forgiveness, love returned for hatred.
Think now on your journey ... what have you to risk?
The Rosary
Tonight I thought perhaps we could do something a little different ... as you may have noticed I occasionally wear a Rosary and I thought we could use it tonight as the basis for our fellowship in a meditative way using scripture and music ...
As we look at the beads of the Rosary they remind us of the glorious truths of the Gospel most of which we can accept others we find difficult ... there are three prayers repeated in the Rosary two of which we use and one which most Methodists will find it impossible to use but I have to say it is a prayer I myself find comforting and helpful at times of extreme stress ...the two we know are the Lord's Prayer and the words Glory be to the Father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen
and the third one is of course the Hail Mary. Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Those prayers are said repeatedly as we meditate the Rosary let's perhaps try and use them tonight.
The rest of the Rosary is mainly a study of scripture, having the Bible open reading the various verses and thinking on them ... so let's look at it.
The first bead .... The Annunciation
Read Luke 1: 26 - 38.
after the reading say Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end
So let's think together on those words ... here we have union between heaven and earth ... the son of God ... Word of the Father, "without whom was not anything made that was made takes on human nature and becomes a man in order to rescue all people all humankind from themselves.
Now reflect in silence on those of Mary ... I am the handmaid of the Lord let what you have said be done to me ...
Let what you have said be done to me. Just think on the love and loyalty of this young teenage girl and as we reflect think on the purity that is symbolised here and the humility but most of all the love of a young girl for her Lord.
The second bead is the Visitation
Mary sets out to visit her cousin Elizabeth to tell her what had happened and this story is in Luke's Gospel but we won't read it we will sing it.
Hymn 86 Tell out my soul the greatness of the Lord.
The third bead is the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem.
Let's ponder on this mystery because that's what the beads are mysteries ... 5 for sorrow and 10 for joy.
this is one of the joyful mysteries ponder it now as you listen to music ponder how God became man and made his first appearance in this world in a manger .. the cattle are there chewing their straw and all around are silence poverty simplicity and innocence.
Imagine the symbolism of the angels announcing peace to all ... his first worshippers are Mary his mother and Joseph his father ponder on it ponder .. every knee will bow in adoration before the crib ... all will know him as Lord, Jews, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indians British the peoples of Africa and of every region of the world
Sit and sing Hymn 95 verses 1,2 4
The fourth bead The Presentation at the Temple.
Now we come to the fourth bead. Remember the story the day came when they presented Jesus in the Temple as was the custom and Simeon a devout and upright man had been promised that he would not die until he had set eyes on Christ the Lord ... is it any wonder that they call these mysteries and so on this bead we can think on this and the words of Simeon ... read together responsively 828 in Hymns and Psalms
The fifth bead ...
Jesus is now twelve years old. Mary and Joseph have brought him with them to Jerusalem for the ritual prayers. Without warning he disappears from their sight ... they spent three anxious days praying for him and then their sorrow is followed by joy when they find him in the Temple speaking with the doctors of the law ... this is the last of the joyful mysteries in this section ... one which we don't spend much time thinking about. It is special in that we can remember in prayer those who are called by God, because of their natural gifts or the circumstances of their lives to the service of truth, in research and in teaching, in the imparting of ancient learning or modern skills by means of books or radio , for all these too are called to follow Jesus. they are the inter lectualls, the professional classes and the journalists ... the journalists especially who have the particular task of honouring the truth , must transmit it really with religious fidelity and great discretion without fantastic distortions or inventions.
Let's Pray.
So we pray for those just mentioned clergy or laity, we pray that they may listen to the truth, and for this they need great purity of heart; that they may understand it, and for this they need profound humility of mind ; that they may defend it, and for this they need what made the strength of Jesus and all his Saints: obedience ... Only obedience wins peace which means victory.
Hymn 804 The church of Christ in every age beset by change but spirit led.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Sixth Bead. ... Now we move on into contemplating the five sorrowful mysteries and the sixth bead asks us to think about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene but before we do that we say together
The Lord's Prayer
Matthew 26: 36 - 41
Luke 22: 43 -45
Matthew 26: 45 -47
Glory be to the Father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen.
Music and whilst music is playing
pause and read
The seventh bead the scourging ...
This bead the seventh reminds us of the merciless torture of the many stripes inflicted on the pure and holy body of Jesus
Whilst music plays read
So Pilate, anxious to placate the crowd, released Barabbas for them and, having ordered Jesus to be scourged, handed him over to be crucified.
Mark 15:15
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
Now all this happened to fulfil the prophecies in scripture. Then all the disciples deserted him and ran away.
Matthew 26: 56
Hail Mary
Meanwhile the men who guarded Jesus were mocking and beating him
Luke 22:63
Hail Mary
And yet ours were the sufferings he bore,
ours the sorrows he carried.
But we, we thought of him as someone punished,
struck by God, and brought low.
Yet he was pierced through for our faults,
crushed for our sins.
Isaiah 53: 4 - 5
Hail Mary
For my part, I made no resistance,
neither did I turn away.
I offered my back to those who struck me,
my cheeks to those who tore at my beard;
I did not cover my face
against insult and spittle.
Isaiah 50: 5-6
Hail Mary
On him lies a punishment that brings us peace and through his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5
GLORY be to the Son & to the Holy Spirit
as it was in the Beginning is now & ever shall be world without end. Amen
Eighth Bead
Each of the next three beads takes us to Calvary, the 8th reminds us that Jesus was crowned with thorns ... and we could if we had time meditate on those in authority who wear crowns of different kinds .. magistrates kings queens those who govern us and remember that the authority they have is given by God ... the 9th bead reminds us of the way of the cross ..and this mystery of the way of the cross should set before our eyes a vast vision of poor suffering souls; children who are abused and deserted and homeless, the sick, the weak, prisoners and exiles and we pray for strength for all these but remember that in the Cross is our hope and of course the last of the sorrowful mysteries is the tenth bead which is the death of Jesus himself. ...we remain sat down as we sing quietly ...
Hymn 173 My song is love unknown
The glorious mysteries
Read Stations of the Resurrection page 13 and the meditation on page 18 keep tape running.
that was the eleventh bead and the twelfth is the ascension and we will sing about that .
Stand and sing
Hymn 209 The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now.
12th bead
At the last supper the apostles received the promise of the Spirit; later in that very room in the absence of Jesus but significantly for some in the presence of his mother Mary they received the Holy spirit as Christ's supreme gift and as you finger the 12th bead you think on that glorious mystery think on the Holy Spirit as the supreme comforter and giver of life in all its fullness to all people and as we contemplate this glorious mystery we remember that the Holy spirit is continually poured out on the Church and within it every day; all ages and all people belong to the Spirit belong in fact to the Church and our church councils, whether at local circuit of national, whether at ecumenical level must start to succeed in being a new Pentecost of faith ... of extraordinary graces for the welfare of all and the peace of the world.
Acts 2: 39 ... The promise that was made is for you and your children and for all those who are far away for all those whom the Lord our God will call to himself.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end . Amen
The 13th bead (glorious mystery)
is a deep mystery to most Methodists and that is the Assumption of our Lady of Mary and we worry about it but really it is a meditation of the Death of Mary and her ascent into heaven ... what is so difficult about that and really we are reminded through it that death is swallowed up in victory ...
we are reminded of the words in Rev 12:1 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman adorned with the sun standing on the moon and with the twelve stars on her head for a crown
Hymn 810 Come let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne.
Is the Coronation of Mary which perhaps is indicated in the words I read from Revelation perhaps not.
Yes we do find it difficult, it is not heretical though as some people would want to say neither is it worshipping the Blessed Virgin Mary but honouring her and why not she was the Mother of our Lord
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
And so we have prayed with and worshipped with the Rosary remembering the great Mission which began with the angel's announcement to Mary and passed like a stream of fire and light through each of the mysteries in turn; In the Rosary God's eternal plan for our Salvation has been presented to us in one scene after another, and he has been with us as we have gone along that way and this last bead brings us back to God in the splendour of heaven ... vivid pictures and imagery ... a tremendous help for a deeply devotional life ...
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen Hymn 642
86, 95, 804,173
From Hymns and Psalms
Tonight I thought perhaps we could do something a little different ... as you may have noticed I occasionally wear a Rosary and I thought we could use it tonight as the basis for our fellowship in a meditative way using scripture and music ...
As we look at the beads of the Rosary they remind us of the glorious truths of the Gospel most of which we can accept others we find difficult ... there are three prayers repeated in the Rosary two of which we use and one which most Methodists will find it impossible to use but I have to say it is a prayer I myself find comforting and helpful at times of extreme stress ...the two we know are the Lord's Prayer and the words Glory be to the Father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen
and the third one is of course the Hail Mary. Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Those prayers are said repeatedly as we meditate the Rosary let's perhaps try and use them tonight.
The rest of the Rosary is mainly a study of scripture, having the Bible open reading the various verses and thinking on them ... so let's look at it.
The first bead .... The Annunciation
Read Luke 1: 26 - 38.
after the reading say Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end
So let's think together on those words ... here we have union between heaven and earth ... the son of God ... Word of the Father, "without whom was not anything made that was made takes on human nature and becomes a man in order to rescue all people all humankind from themselves.
Now reflect in silence on those of Mary ... I am the handmaid of the Lord let what you have said be done to me ...
Let what you have said be done to me. Just think on the love and loyalty of this young teenage girl and as we reflect think on the purity that is symbolised here and the humility but most of all the love of a young girl for her Lord.
The second bead is the Visitation
Mary sets out to visit her cousin Elizabeth to tell her what had happened and this story is in Luke's Gospel but we won't read it we will sing it.
Hymn 86 Tell out my soul the greatness of the Lord.
The third bead is the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem.
Let's ponder on this mystery because that's what the beads are mysteries ... 5 for sorrow and 10 for joy.
this is one of the joyful mysteries ponder it now as you listen to music ponder how God became man and made his first appearance in this world in a manger .. the cattle are there chewing their straw and all around are silence poverty simplicity and innocence.
Imagine the symbolism of the angels announcing peace to all ... his first worshippers are Mary his mother and Joseph his father ponder on it ponder .. every knee will bow in adoration before the crib ... all will know him as Lord, Jews, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indians British the peoples of Africa and of every region of the world
Sit and sing Hymn 95 verses 1,2 4
The fourth bead The Presentation at the Temple.
Now we come to the fourth bead. Remember the story the day came when they presented Jesus in the Temple as was the custom and Simeon a devout and upright man had been promised that he would not die until he had set eyes on Christ the Lord ... is it any wonder that they call these mysteries and so on this bead we can think on this and the words of Simeon ... read together responsively 828 in Hymns and Psalms
The fifth bead ...
Jesus is now twelve years old. Mary and Joseph have brought him with them to Jerusalem for the ritual prayers. Without warning he disappears from their sight ... they spent three anxious days praying for him and then their sorrow is followed by joy when they find him in the Temple speaking with the doctors of the law ... this is the last of the joyful mysteries in this section ... one which we don't spend much time thinking about. It is special in that we can remember in prayer those who are called by God, because of their natural gifts or the circumstances of their lives to the service of truth, in research and in teaching, in the imparting of ancient learning or modern skills by means of books or radio , for all these too are called to follow Jesus. they are the inter lectualls, the professional classes and the journalists ... the journalists especially who have the particular task of honouring the truth , must transmit it really with religious fidelity and great discretion without fantastic distortions or inventions.
Let's Pray.
So we pray for those just mentioned clergy or laity, we pray that they may listen to the truth, and for this they need great purity of heart; that they may understand it, and for this they need profound humility of mind ; that they may defend it, and for this they need what made the strength of Jesus and all his Saints: obedience ... Only obedience wins peace which means victory.
Hymn 804 The church of Christ in every age beset by change but spirit led.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Sixth Bead. ... Now we move on into contemplating the five sorrowful mysteries and the sixth bead asks us to think about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene but before we do that we say together
The Lord's Prayer
Matthew 26: 36 - 41
Luke 22: 43 -45
Matthew 26: 45 -47
Glory be to the Father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen.
Music and whilst music is playing
pause and read
The seventh bead the scourging ...
This bead the seventh reminds us of the merciless torture of the many stripes inflicted on the pure and holy body of Jesus
Whilst music plays read
So Pilate, anxious to placate the crowd, released Barabbas for them and, having ordered Jesus to be scourged, handed him over to be crucified.
Mark 15:15
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
Now all this happened to fulfil the prophecies in scripture. Then all the disciples deserted him and ran away.
Matthew 26: 56
Hail Mary
Meanwhile the men who guarded Jesus were mocking and beating him
Luke 22:63
Hail Mary
And yet ours were the sufferings he bore,
ours the sorrows he carried.
But we, we thought of him as someone punished,
struck by God, and brought low.
Yet he was pierced through for our faults,
crushed for our sins.
Isaiah 53: 4 - 5
Hail Mary
For my part, I made no resistance,
neither did I turn away.
I offered my back to those who struck me,
my cheeks to those who tore at my beard;
I did not cover my face
against insult and spittle.
Isaiah 50: 5-6
Hail Mary
On him lies a punishment that brings us peace and through his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5
GLORY be to the Son & to the Holy Spirit
as it was in the Beginning is now & ever shall be world without end. Amen
Eighth Bead
Each of the next three beads takes us to Calvary, the 8th reminds us that Jesus was crowned with thorns ... and we could if we had time meditate on those in authority who wear crowns of different kinds .. magistrates kings queens those who govern us and remember that the authority they have is given by God ... the 9th bead reminds us of the way of the cross ..and this mystery of the way of the cross should set before our eyes a vast vision of poor suffering souls; children who are abused and deserted and homeless, the sick, the weak, prisoners and exiles and we pray for strength for all these but remember that in the Cross is our hope and of course the last of the sorrowful mysteries is the tenth bead which is the death of Jesus himself. ...we remain sat down as we sing quietly ...
Hymn 173 My song is love unknown
The glorious mysteries
Read Stations of the Resurrection page 13 and the meditation on page 18 keep tape running.
that was the eleventh bead and the twelfth is the ascension and we will sing about that .
Stand and sing
Hymn 209 The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now.
12th bead
At the last supper the apostles received the promise of the Spirit; later in that very room in the absence of Jesus but significantly for some in the presence of his mother Mary they received the Holy spirit as Christ's supreme gift and as you finger the 12th bead you think on that glorious mystery think on the Holy Spirit as the supreme comforter and giver of life in all its fullness to all people and as we contemplate this glorious mystery we remember that the Holy spirit is continually poured out on the Church and within it every day; all ages and all people belong to the Spirit belong in fact to the Church and our church councils, whether at local circuit of national, whether at ecumenical level must start to succeed in being a new Pentecost of faith ... of extraordinary graces for the welfare of all and the peace of the world.
Acts 2: 39 ... The promise that was made is for you and your children and for all those who are far away for all those whom the Lord our God will call to himself.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end . Amen
The 13th bead (glorious mystery)
is a deep mystery to most Methodists and that is the Assumption of our Lady of Mary and we worry about it but really it is a meditation of the Death of Mary and her ascent into heaven ... what is so difficult about that and really we are reminded through it that death is swallowed up in victory ...
we are reminded of the words in Rev 12:1 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman adorned with the sun standing on the moon and with the twelve stars on her head for a crown
Hymn 810 Come let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne.
Is the Coronation of Mary which perhaps is indicated in the words I read from Revelation perhaps not.
Yes we do find it difficult, it is not heretical though as some people would want to say neither is it worshipping the Blessed Virgin Mary but honouring her and why not she was the Mother of our Lord
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
And so we have prayed with and worshipped with the Rosary remembering the great Mission which began with the angel's announcement to Mary and passed like a stream of fire and light through each of the mysteries in turn; In the Rosary God's eternal plan for our Salvation has been presented to us in one scene after another, and he has been with us as we have gone along that way and this last bead brings us back to God in the splendour of heaven ... vivid pictures and imagery ... a tremendous help for a deeply devotional life ...
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen Hymn 642
86, 95, 804,173
From Hymns and Psalms
Pope John Paul 2 (R.I.P) has created five more mysteries. He wanted to include the ministry of Jesus. I will fill these out later but they are:
1) The Baptism in Jordon.
2) The wedding at Cana
3) The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
4) The Transfiguration
5) The institution of the Eucharist.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting that mediation - & the picture. I was moved by it the first time I saw it, & am so glad now to be able to have it to come back to when I want. Have you more you've written?
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