Saturday, October 20, 2007

Carry on Blogging

Well I have not Blogged for absolutely ages! I have been quite poorly but won't bore you with the details. (I have had two major ops... a Fistula removed from my spinal chord and a quadruple heart by pass ....I am still ill being disabled and awaiting the result of another MRI on my lower back, I am to see a vascauler surgeon next week, awaiting blood tests for Celiac and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The upshot is that I cannot farm or garden or even walk Ben I am to try my first Preach and Communion on 4th November.

I will attempt to post pics. We have four sows and a boar on the farm and this week (20/10/07) they have given birth to 42 piglets.

This is Henry the Boar.

Some of his piglets shown below.

    17th November 2007

    Well I did the preaches and presided at the Eucharists and have to say it was very hard.... I couldn't get the 'bite' into my preaching nor use my hands. Lay folk gave the elements out at the Eucharisr. I think that went well but difficult even then to get expression and feeling into what I was doing.

    This is a pic of a Grey Heron I took out of our kitchen window yesterday.

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